How to Lengthen the Life of Your Upholstery

Your couch is likely one of your best friends. It's there for you when you need a place to crash, whether you're watching TV, taking a nap, or hosting friends for game night. In order to keep your couch around for as long as possible, it's important to take care of it and perform regular maintenance. By following these six simple tips, you can keep your furniture in great condition and avoid any costly repairs or replacements down the road.

1. Vacuum Upholstered Furniture Regularly

Even if you can't see them, dust, dirt, and other microbes build up in your upholstery over time. Between eating and lounging on your furniture, crumbs and hair can hide in the cracks and crevices of your couch. Vacuuming your upholstery regularly will help to remove these particles and keep your furniture looking clean.

2. Spot Clean Quickly

Messes happen, especially if you are one to eat on your couch! If you have a spill, act fast! Grab a white rag and dab (don't rub) at the spill to keep it from sinking deep into your upholstery. If that doesn't work, call Zerorez® to clean it for you!

3. Place Upholstery Away From the Sun's Rays

Upholstered furniture should be placed away from the sun's rays to prevent fading and discoloration. The sun can also cause the fabric to become brittle over time. If you absolutely must place your furniture in a sunny room, consider using draperies or blinds to help filter out the light.

4. Fluff and Reverse Cushions Regularly

To prevent sagging and uneven wear, it's important to fluff and reverse your couch cushions on a regular basis. This will help to redistribute the padding and keep your couch looking full and plump. This will help to keep them in good condition and prolong the life of your furniture.

5. Find the Best Upholstery Cleaner

If you're not sure what type of cleaning is suitable for your upholstery, don't take the risk of DIY cleaning! Leave this job to professional upholstery cleaners who know how much care and attention must be paid in order to get optimal results with every fabric. Some fabrics like velvet or leather may require different attention than other types such as cotton. At-home treatments can cause discoloration and also ruin your valuable furniture.

Best Upholstery Cleaning - Zerorez

You have come to the right place if you are searching for the "best upholstery cleaning near me" in the Charlotte area! Zerorez does the best upholstery and sofa cleaning around! Our professional cleaners use Zrā„¢ Water, which is a cleaning agent that is free of harsh chemicals. Zrā„¢ Water is water that has been electrolyzed to create a powerful cleaning solution. In other words, it is the perfect couch cleaner! Cleaning the Zerorez way is non-toxic and safe! It leaves behind Zero Residue®, which keeps the fabric from soiling. It is applied to the upholstery via low-pressure spray to loosen the grime and dirt embedded in the fabric's fibers. You will not be disappointed! Cleaning with Zerorez is the best way to take care of your upholstery. With our help, you are taking great steps to maintain the life of your upholstery. Schedule an upholstery cleaning service today!

Book a Cleaning with Zerorez Today!